Sunday, October 12, 2008

Growing Up Halloween Pt. 6

Lt. Lafleur, French Captain of the Guard

Before the next explosion came, Eric and Francis stood frozen in space. When you become so scared in an instant, the body revolts. Francis's insides were suddenly outside as if every inch of him were feeling a touch at the same moment. his blood rushed quickly to the surface of any surface, the hair stood up stiff from the root. Terror is something that is prolonged, but what occurred right after the first report was instantaneous fear, which gripped each friend for an instant in time making them unable to respond physically. The explosion was more than just a sound. A violent shake of the ground seemed to happen as the shock wave that was created caused the boys to fall to the ground. The fog that contained everything pushed and fell back into place as the shock pulsed through it. The fog which was so nice to look through just minutes...or hours before, had become solid and thick with the smell of sulphur.

KA-BOOOOM..BA-BOOOM, two more extremely loud reports went off from the opposite side of the field, and now in between, there were men yelling. Yelling at each other in anger. From the small theater that was the fog, these voices made the fog huge. from over a distance now could be heard more explosions and yelling a sound of what neither boy could relate to, but it was here, all around them.

Your House Haunting Headquarters

"KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTHHHHH!!!!!!" KEEEEEEEEEEEEEITH!!" Eric began to call for his brother now in earnest. This boy had had enough, and his "scared" turned to terror. As if a realization had occurred, and the youngest friend had concluded on his own that it was his time to get things back to normal. Normal as far as he could make it, and the next best thing was to have his older brother around to take charge of the situation. For Eric trusted Keith to get them both out of any situation. Blood is thicker than water we always said.. Francis agreed inside with Eric too. It would be better to have three instead of two. When Eric stopped calling, Francis would start. They picked themselves up off the ground and made way toward what they thought was the far side of the field. If Keith had kept walking before everything went crazy, he could have made it to the sand pit and be waiting there for them.

What they wanted to do was walk, but now a regular beat of explosions had begun, and they were left to crawling on all fours as each explosion shook the Earth and air around them. They had gone about half-way to the pits when Eric found Keith. "Francis!!" "KEITH'S HURT!! Just because Eric found Keith first and was only a couple of feet ahead, was proof that the fog was still around. More smoke than fog maybe, the scent remained to burn the nostrils with each breathe, you could see the smoke when you exhaled, and as Francis got closer to Keith's face, he could see that his friend was blowing the same smoke out his mouth and nose. He could have been asleep. He could be faking. He could have fainted. But no, Francis could see that there was a patch of blond hair above his temple that was wet and red. What could have been a great way to end this whole event had become an even worse occurrence. More and more Francis felt like inside his head was been spun like a machine. Inside moving so fast while outside so slow. He felt like this on long car rides and tall building, but he felt like that now. Once again an instant scared feeling secured him to the spot. When the moment passed scared turned to fright, and then to determination because that's what you do when you have nothing else to do but cry.

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